Saturday, February 16, 2019

Gas leak in oven valve

I found myself this morning with the (very literal) headache of a gas leak. Smell led me to the oven of my old stove. I removed the main pipe from the oven valve, applied soap to the valve exit, and it bubbles slowly alright. I don't ever use the oven, so I don't care for replacing the valve. So...

1. What easy ways to seal it are tehre? I don't mind messing the pipe in the process.
2. The pilot exit from the valve lets out a lot of gas, is that normal? I know it has a safety valve on the igniter, and it seems to be working (no bubbles on the pilot), but shouldn't the main valve close both pipes?

Thanks in advance.

via Gas leak in oven valve
by Macrowave Oven

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