Sunday, April 14, 2019

Oven stopped working: no heat, no gas smell, no errors

Hello all,

I was using my Magic Chef oven the other day for a little heat in the kitchen in the morning (don't worry, I don't run it for long like this; just long enough to take the chill off). It started warming up, then I noticed the smell of gas and it wasn't getting any hotter so I turned it off. A few minutes later I tried turning it on, it let me set the temperature, but the oven never warmed up. There's no smell of gas. There's also no error codes. It just sits at 350 or whatever temp I set it but nothing happens. No error codes are ever shown, it doesn't shut off, the preheat light stays on, and that's about it.

I've had the igniter go before but this has produced an error code the two times it died previously, the oven would beep, then turn off. I replaced it anyway but unfortunately the problem persists.

I'm not sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any suggestions? The range works fine by the way; it's only the oven that's broken.


via Oven stopped working: no heat, no gas smell, no errors
by loligator

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