Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Samsung ne595r0absr electric range front elements not turning down and flash from Right rear element

Landlord purchased a used stove to go in a renovated home. Upon first using it my wife and I realized both front elements will not turn down. The front elements continue to glow red no matter what setting is selected. This causes whatever your cooking to overheat of course. The landlord came by to check it out and while she was there the right rear element flashed and made an audible pop when she turned it on. It also had a burnt electrical smell. After I shut the breaker off and turned it back on it seemed to work. I turned the breaker back off just to be safe.

It seems both tear elements worked properly before the flash and pop incident.

via Samsung ne595r0absr electric range front elements not turning down and flash from Right rear element
by workman482

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