Saturday, April 1, 2023

Where to find a WB24X5285 replacement thermostat for our GE J ASO3 R3 oven ...

Hi, all!

We have in a vacation cabin a 20+ year-old little GE J ASO3 R3 range whose thermostat appears to be dying or dead. At first the oven simply ran a pretty constant hot, but now it appears to go up and down, requiring pretty constant watching to cook anything effectively. Unfortunately, the WB24X5285 thermostat I think I've found in the GE diagram has been discontinued ... and nobody lists a replacement! Uh oh.

We'd love to not have to go and find another tiny unit like...

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via Where to find a WB24X5285 replacement thermostat for our GE J ASO3 R3 oven ...
by davidtg

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