Sunday, October 9, 2016

Samsung FER300SB oven not maintaining temperature


The broiler element of my oven went out in a blaze of glory a couple of weeks ago (loud buzzing sound and bright white light inside the oven). We replaced it, but the oven is now having trouble maintaining temperature. It will heat up, but then quickly falls. I hear it clicking on and off like it's heating up, but if I turn it off and then back on, the oven will show a temperature 100+ degrees less than what it's set to and then try to re-heat to the correct temperature. The temperature probe is connected close to where the element wires are, so I was wondering if maybe the probe got taken out when the element went- there's some browning of the insulation around where the electrical wires all come together near the back of the element.

Would the next step be to replace the temperature probe? Or is there something else we should try? Any help would be appreciated!


via Samsung FER300SB oven not maintaining temperature
by morethanmyself

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