Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bosch double ovens bake only heat on broil or convection

My bosch double ovens are only heating on broil or convection. When I put them to bake they will heat but then not hold heat. It began with the bottom oven (after overheating on the proofing setting one day) and then the top oven displayed the same behavior (also overheated during proofing bread at what should have been 100 degrees). We noticed when we made pizza and put the pans on the bottom they would not brown. I assumed the baking elements were fried (they are encased so you can't see them) so I ordered them so that they would arrive in time for the next available day we could pull them out and repair them. But when we pulled them out everything tested fine. Both bake elements had a resistance of 28 ohms (the same as the brand new elements). Broiler elements (which still worked) tested at 14 ohms (in line with manufacturer specs) and convection elements tested at 28 (again perfect). We moved on to the temperature probes...1086 ohms, perfect. We don't see a thermostat anywhere. The wires traced from the probes go right into the relay board. All that we have read suggested a bad relay board. We took the board to an electrical engineer friend of ours and he tested the relays. All good. I am at a complete loss. There are no corroded connections, burns, broken wires, exposed wires...etc. Please please help. That relay board is over $200. I will order it if that's the issue, but I already wasted 150 on the two bake elements :( Is there anything else we could be checking?? I am a wedding cake designer and I need to fix them as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your time and response :)

via Bosch double ovens bake only heat on broil or convection
by j england

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