Sunday, January 7, 2018

Capital Culinarian oven overheating

This gas oven has had an overheating issue since almost new.

I have had Capital’s tech out three times and he has replaced the thermostat each time.

Yesterday, after the repair tech replaced the mechanical thermostat for the third time, I attempted to bake some cookies at 375. I use an external thermometer to monitor the oven temp and after smelling the cookies burning I checked the temp and thermometer was maxed out, over 510 degrees.

From my understanding of mechanical thermostats the failure modes are normally it won’t turn on the burner or the burner will not turn off.

I disassembled the replaced thermostat and the contact points were not fused.

An interesting data point is the overheating appears to only happen if the oven knob is set over 300 degrees. Lower than that the oven works correctly.

The repair tech did test the oven after replacing the thermostat to confirm it worked.

One difference between the tech’s test and my first use was that I had two cookie sheets side by side filling the oven.

Any thoughts on what could be wrong besides the thermostat? Perhaps a temperature sensitive solenoid controlling the gas?

via Capital Culinarian oven overheating
by Russell Jones

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