Sunday, November 20, 2016

2004 Viking Duel Fuel range oven went pop, emitted smoke, stopped working. burners work fine

Can anyone help me figure out what might be the problem? We got this second hand three years ago. I was in the middle of cooking -- one burner was on when I turned on the oven and this happened (the pop, the smoke, the breakdown) This is a lean time financially for us due to a lot of recent doctors bills and we are hoping we may be able to fix it ourselves or our very nice electrician can if we find the problem and the part. Can't afford a $400 fix. Won't be able to cook for T-giving:(
p.s. Thanks for any help you can give. I found the service manual on line but it looks like it is for the newer ones.

via 2004 Viking Duel Fuel range oven went pop, emitted smoke, stopped working. burners work fine
by kimbap

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