Saturday, November 12, 2016

LRG3095ST LG Oven Occasionally Overheats


I have an LG Gas Oven that has started to occasionally go WAY past the desired set point when baking.

As long as the desired temp is set to under 400, it always hits the mark. That is, set to 350, it hits 350. Set to 375, it hits 375.

Whenever the desired temp is ABOVE 400F (say, 425F), it will sometimes (not EVERY time) go way past the set point and we catch it by "smelling something hot". I've caught it at 500F and still climbing a couple of times.

It does not always do that, and I understand that it is tough to troubleshoot when it's not repeatable (I am in the electronics design biz).

According to what I've read, there are 2 boards to suspect - one is a relay board, and the other looks to be the controller board.

When I command the oven OFF, it always goes OFF. That's never failed.

Q: Any suggestions as to what to go after first?

Thank you very much for your time.


via LRG3095ST LG Oven Occasionally Overheats
by rbuchholz

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