Friday, November 11, 2016

LG LDE3037ST Oven Temperature


So I have a LG LDE3037ST oven that seems to be having an issue with the top oven. I know for sure the top oven has the issue but not to sure about the bottom one as I haven't tested it. I set the oven for any temperature and it says it's preheated in very little time. It took a while to cook some rolls the other day so I did some testing. I set it for 350 and like 4 minutes it said it was ready. I then set it for 400 and it went up for 350 to 395 then 400 and it said it was ready at that temp. Again I set it for 500 and it slowly crept up and got to 420 then bam it said it was at 500. All within a few minutes.

It's definitely not at the temp it says it is. The broiler seems to be working fine though.

Anyone have an idea what I need to do to fix this?

via LG LDE3037ST Oven Temperature
by envoys

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