Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Samsung Electric Oven Inaccurate Oven Temperature Reading

Example: Turn on oven, set to 350 degrees. Oven digital screen gets to 350 and beeps, BUT temp is 275. About 3 minutes later temp gets up to 350. Sometimes it won't get to set temp, and if you bump it up, it goes way over temp. Circuit board new in June of 2016 because LCD screen going out. I took temp. sensor out and took ohm reading 1096 at room temp (in range according to Samsung tech pamphlet taped to stove back). Ohm reading on heat element was 16.7 (I don't know if this is within spec). Any suggestions would be great. Even if temp sensor is within ohm specs, can it still be defective? Thanks

Forgot to mention that I checked for error codes....screen showed "no epp"???? Don't know what that stands for.

via Samsung Electric Oven Inaccurate Oven Temperature Reading
by firefighterdc

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