Thursday, July 27, 2017

Magic chef 60s stove small gas smell

Hi All,

Our trailer has a very old Magic Chef stove that works absolutely fine. Everything is based on propane lighters that stay on all the time. There is 3 of them 1 for the oven and two for each set of two burners. Everything just works fine and we have no issues aside from a very faint propane smell from the two font burners when everything is off. I thought it was the valves that were feeding them but then I sprayed soap water in to the valves and there was no bubble at all. I did even check my soap verification method and when I open the valves the bulbs do appear quite easily.

The only way you notice the VERY VERY faint leak is by sticking your nose into the burner when it is off and just sniffing around. Then you can smell it. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I will post pictures and photos soon.

Thanks a lot any help would be very much appreciated.

via Magic chef 60s stove small gas smell
by cbrown0000001

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