Saturday, November 10, 2018

Samsung FX710BGS Oven Won't Light

I've got a Samsung FX710BGS gas range and the oven won't light. I read through some of the similar issues on this forum and then I tried getting it lit by turning the oven on and then starting one of the burners. This didn't seem to work the first time I tried it (I was expecting to hear the whosh of gas, but a second time, I just left it for a few minutes and it seems to have started up. Can I pinpoint this to the igniter? Or is there still a possibility that it could be the gas valve or something else? Can you point me to the appropriate part to purchase to make this repair. This forum has never failed me in my many appliance repairs over the years.


-Scott Fuller

via Samsung FX710BGS Oven Won't Light
by scottdfuller

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