Saturday, February 17, 2018

Samsung Electric Range - Error SE

First a little history on this error. We purchased this range in Dec 2015, after about 6 months we got a SE error. I called Samsung and they had me unplug/replug, all was ok. About a month later we got SE again, unplug/replug worked but it became too frequent so we had Samsung into repair it. They changed the main PCB, touch panel PCB and Touch panel. We told the guy that we noticed it seemed to happen whenever we made something that steamed a lot. This worked for about another 1 months and then the error started again. Now it was out of warranty so I replaced the same parts again, but the problem has really never been fixed as every time we cook something that steams a lot we get the error, to the point that roasting a chicken will error the stove. I have had the same parts replaced a third time but still getting the error. The boards are not cheap and well, not fixing the problem.
Error SE is indicating a short in the touch panel and we see the error on the oven display most times but have seen it on the side displays as well.
Any ideas or advice?

Thanks in advance.

via Samsung Electric Range - Error SE
by TrenchRT

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